Just before your birthday in 2010, you're still 77.
On your birthday in 2010, you turn 78, and you
remain 78 until your birthday in 2011.
If you were born in 1983, how old would you be?If you were born in 1983, you would be 27. To get that answer, you would do 2010-1983.
If you were born on 1964 you would be 64 years old.
Someone born in 1932 would be 81 years old in 2013.
They would turn 77 in 2009
You would be 90 years old today.
You would be 77. Your 78th birthday would take place in November 2010.
He was born in 1932
He was born October 1932.
US actor Robert Reed (1932-1992) was born October 19, 1932. He died of HIV-related causes at age 59. He would have turned 85 in 2017.
He was born Feb. 8th 1932.
He was born in 1932, which makes him about 78.
Halston was born on April 23, 1932 and died on March 26, 1990. Halston would have been 57 years old at the time of death or 83 years old today.