You will turn 70 in 2013.
66 years old if you're born before October 29 else 65 years old.
if you were born in 1991 who old wil you be?
If you are 20 years old, when were you born?If you are 20 years old, you were born in 1990.
If I was born in 1988, I would have no idea how old YOU were!
2016 − 1943 = 73 years old
He was born July 26, 1943. That makes him 66 years old.
Newt Gingrich was born on June 17, 1943
To figure this out, simply subtract 2010 by 1943.2010-1943=67
66 Years old. She was born in 1943
68 y/o
If you have turned or are turning 70 years old in 2013, then you were born in 1943.
57 and about 11 months?
You will turn 73 in 2016.
David Geffen was born on February 21, 1943.