Since September 2011 has not occurred yet, the last birthday you have celebrated so far was in September 2010. 2010 - 1943 = 67, so you are 67 years old.
If you have turned or are turning 70 years old in 2013, then you were born in 1943.
You will turn 73 in 2016.
Bert Jansch (of Pentangle) was 67 years old when he died on October 5, 2011 (born November 3, 1943).
2016 − 1943 = 73 years old
He was born July 26, 1943. That makes him 66 years old.
Since September 2011 has not occurred yet, the last birthday you have celebrated so far was in September 2010. 2010 - 1943 = 67, so you are 67 years old.
2011 - 1943 = 68
Newt Gingrich was born on June 17, 1943
To figure this out, simply subtract 2010 by 1943.2010-1943=67
Your age has nothing whatsoever to do with when Iwas born. So, if I was born in 1943, you could be born in any year and could be any age.
66 Years old. She was born in 1943
Canadian filmmaker John Walker is 65 years old (born January 12, 1952).US singer John Walker (Walker Brothers) was 67 years old when he died on May 7, 2011 (born November 12, 1943).