If you turned 38 in 2012 then you would have been born in 1974.
You would have celebrated your 38th birthday sometime this year (2012)
If you were born in 1987, you would be 23 today.
You would be 38 this year.
If you were born before this date in 1997 you would be 13 years old, if after today's date you would be 12.
If you were born today, in 1974, you would be, 36.
37 years, as of April 2012.
If you were born in 1974, you would have turned 35 in 2009.
You would be 35 years old.
They would be 37 years old.
You would be 36 years old. Then you would be 37 in 2012
They would be 35 years old.
Almost 47 ...
Carlos Keller was born on January 3, 1898 and died on February 28, 1974. This would have been 76 years old at the time of death or 112 years old today.
If you were born before today in 1992 you would be 20, if you were born after today you would be 19.
You would be 90 years old today.