If you are 44 years old on October 2014, you were born in 1974.
They will turn 39 in 2013.
If you turned 38 in 2012 then you would have been born in 1974.
You would reach your 38th birthday in 2012.
You would have celebrated your 38th birthday sometime this year (2012)
Canadian mom Meredith Orlando is 43 years old (born November 27, 1974). She is the mother of popular YouTube singer Johnny Orlando (born January 24, 2003).
If you were born today, in 1974, you would be, 36.
1975 or 1974 depending on whether or not they had had their birthday anniversary in 2010.but my mom is 35 and her year was 1976.
Naimur Rahman was born in 1974.
You will turn 40 in 1974.
old, 913.
You would be 35 years old.
he was born in 1974