In Australia we have July as winter. We also have Christmas in summer.
Our seasons and month calendar is:
January: Summer
February: Summer
March: Autumn
April: Autumn
May: Autumn
June: Winter
July: Winter
August: Winter
September: Spring
October: Spring
November: Spring
December: Summer
western australia. northern territory. south australia.
2,678,400 seconds in july
July 4, 1946 was a Thursday.
Since it is (as I type) July 2011, you would reach your 50th birthday this month if you had been born in July 1961.
You would be 32 in July this year (2009)
It depends on the state. Strawberries come into season in Queensland in July. In New South Wales, apples are in season. Mandarins also come in season, but this is earlier than July.
Australia, as with all of the Southern Hemisphere, has its winter during the months of June, July and August.
July 13, 2011
Tuesday 10th July ! (:
Winter goes from June 1st till the end of August.
The US release date is July 17, so i would expect Australia to be 2-3 months after that.
summer season in australia
Australia's winter begins on June 1 and continues for the months of June, July and August. In the far tropical north of Australia, winter is less easily defined. There tends to just be a dry season, which extends from May through to September/October, contrasted with the wet season for the remainder of the year.
Cherries are a summer fruit. In North America they are in season from June until August. Peak time in Europe is June/July, and late December (their summer) in Australia.
Peak buying season is between March and June in Australia
It was mention to be released on the 4th of december but now they have changed it to 1012 July but it's in japans and you can't find it in Australia so don't know yet