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x-x-xx xxxxxx xxx-x- x-xxx- x's are bottles, -'s are empty spaces

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Q: In a 6 x 4 crate arrange 18 bottles so that when added vertically or horizontally the number of bottles when added is always even?
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hieroglyphics are almost always read vertically. (that is how the ancient Egyptians intended it to be read.)

Do Chinese write vertically or horizontally?

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On a standard Cartesian graph, there are two axes. The Y axis runs vertically, bottom to top and the X axis runs horizontally from left to right.

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horizontally, staggered. Do not have the joint on the top even with the joint on the bottom if you have more than one piece in the wall. Always hang the top first.

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The y axis always runs vertically.

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The NEC doesn't specify. Generally they are installed vertically with the ground on bottom. In the world that I work in the ground is always installed on top. This is so if a gap exists between an outlet and the plug, anything falling into the gap hits the ground first and not across the hot and neutral wires simultaneously. Expanding on this premise an outlet installed horizontally with the neutral on top is the most safe installation. But I have never seen this done.

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Because the x coordinate is always followed by the y coordinate as for example the coordinate of (3, 6) is 3 of x horizontally and 6 of y vertically on the Cartesian plane

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Should pool table slate be transported horizontally or vertically?

It doesn't matter as long as it is properly secured. Most people must transport it laying flat, horizontally, simply because it is difficult to secure it properly otherwise. Held vertically, concern can be of chipping (slate chips easily) and it moving in any direction - in addition to chipping the slate can injure or kill someone in a vehicle. The hazards are reduced in most vehicles by laying it flat.

Can kidneys go sideways?

Kidneys are not always positioned vertically, or up and down. Some people have one or both kidneys positioned horizontally, or sideways. This condition rarely has negative side effects or is a cause for concern. Those affected are usually born this way, and some may not even be aware of it.