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Those at the top of the food chain.

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Q: In a food chain which organisms have the smallest numbers and smallest total biomass?
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What are the concept of an ecological pyramid?

The ecological pyramid is basically the food chain. So, the producers (plants) are at the bottom, then herbivores (plant eaters), then above them are the omnivores or carnivores, and then the most powerful and top of the food chain animals are at the top of the pyramid.

Why are producers important for the transfer of energy within an ecosystem?

Producers are the beginning of the chain of energy that travels through the food chain. These are organisms, such as plants, that turn inorganic material into biomass.

Which group of organisms has the least biomass?

A tropic level is the position that an organism occupies in the food chain. The trophic level that has the least biomass is trophic level 5, which is composed of apex predators.

What plant is important too a swamp and why is it important?

Mangroves because that is where the smallest organisms in the food chain live.

What does a biomass show?

The biomass pyramid is a chart that is drawn to scale. It displays the biomass at each stage in the food chain.

The marine food chain in order from smallest to largest?

There are multiple food chains within the marine world. But a good example for you- Smallest organisms in marine environment- zooplankton Largest organisms in marine environment- whales Zooplankton--> Blue Whales (by filter feeding) Is a pretty easy food chain to remember.

Why are primary producers the first trophic level?

It is not necessarily. Imagine a large tree, insects eat its fruit and leaves, birds eat the insects on it, foxes eat the birds. In a week the tree might feed 10000 insects, who in turn feed 100 birds who in turn feed 5 foxes. There is only one tree and every level has more organisms on it than the producer level. It is not a question of number of organism, it is of Biomass, Biomass is the mass of any living matierial in a food chain. There is more biomass at the bottom level because lots of it is wasted as the chain progress - some leaves drop of and are not eaten, some insects are not eaten, the feathers and bones of the birds are not eaten. All of this means that some biomass is not passed on from one level to the next - some is wasted. Therefore, in orderto have enough to support the 5 foxes there needs to be a lot of biomass at the bottom. This is the tree. 1 organism, but very big, so los of biomass. If this whole food chain lived in an open field, the first level might be grass, in which case there is less biomass per organism and so the numbers of organisms would begreatest at the bottom. As it is, the numbers do not increase "like a pyramid". Biomass pyramids always do.

What does a biomass pyramid present?

Biomass - the total dry weight of the organisms in a trophic levelBiomass Pyramid - a diagram showing the biomass at each trophic level of a food chainA pyramid of biomass shows energy lost in each trophic level while a pyramid of numbers shows the numbers of the organisms in each trophic level

Why does biomass decrease?

Biomass is defined as any biological material from living or recently living organisms. Since every living organism is a part of the food chain, less energy becomes available the more it climbs up the chain, resulting in a decrease in biomass.

What does a biomass pyramid measure?

Biomass. Pyramids of biomass and number are scientific models to represent all the things eaten in a foodchain. Pyramids of number are flawed as a great many insects may feed on a tree, for example, producing a narrow base to the pyramid. Pyramids of biomass are a better model as they show the dry mass of each part of the food chain and give a better indication of the energy passed between trophic layers. Biomass pyramids show the abundance of organisms at each trophic level.

What does a biomass pyramid represent?

A pyramid of biomass shows how much energy the organism on a food chain is getting from its food.