Terminating means stops. If it stops, it's a terminating decimal. If it keeps on going, it's repeating or recurring.
By definition a line keeps going forever.
No there isn't Infinity is an unending thing, never ends, keeps going and goin!
16.4166666666667 keeps on going
Pi is an irrational number. That means that it never stops and will never repeat itself. The first 85 decimals without rounding are 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280...
Saturn keeps going and never stops Saturn keeps going around the sun and never stops
Keeps going on and never stops.
a poem that keeps going on and then stops.................
Yes, if it stops there. No, if it keeps on going.
She keeps looking at you, and never stops talking about you!
She keeps looking at you, and never stops talking about you!
666/1000 if it stops there, 2/3 if it keeps on going.
If it stops there, it's rational. If it keeps on going, it's irrational.
Terminating means stops. If it stops, it's a terminating decimal. If it keeps on going, it's repeating or recurring.
because keeps away the air and water
Yes, if it stops there. No, if it keeps on going.
no they tell someone.