Oh, what a happy little equation we have here! Let's bring some joy to this math problem. To find the value of x, we need to isolate it by moving the numbers around. Start by subtracting 1 from both sides, then divide by -10. And just like that, you've found the value of x - it's -8.
To solve the equation 1 - 10x = 81, you first need to isolate the variable x. Start by adding 10x to both sides to get rid of the negative 10x term. This leaves you with 1 = 10x + 81. Next, subtract 81 from both sides to isolate the 10x term, giving you -80 = 10x. Finally, divide by 10 on both sides to solve for x. Therefore, x = -8.
what must you do to make the equation 81 X 9 equals 801 true.
Eighty one inches equals 6 feet 9 inches.
1 times 81 3 times 27 9 times 9
81 x 81 = 6561
An equation where y = 81
no because it has an equal symbol in it
x2 = 81 Square root both sides:- x = +/- 9
what must you do to make the equation 81 X 9 equals 801 true.
There are several combinations that could equal 81 when subtracted. For example, 100 - 19 = 81, or 90 - 9 = 81.
Using the discriminant the possible values of k are -9 or 9
81 centimeters is equal to 31.8897638 inches.
One square yard equals 9 square feet, so 9 sq. yds. would equal 81 sq. ft.