Well, let's see . . .
0.777 has no whole-number part at all, so it's less than ' 1 '.
' 7 ' is a whole number, so it's at least ' 1 ', or maybe even more.
Can you see now that ("less than 1") can't be greater than ("at least 1 or maybe more") ?
Is this what you really meant to ask?
All numbers of the form .abc (meaning 0.abc) with a,b,c digits are between 0 and 1, by definition of the decimal writing system. E.g.,
0.777 = 7/10 + 7/100 + 7/1000 < 10/10 + 10/100 + 10/1000 = 1110/1000 = 1.11 < 2 < 7
77 / 7 - 777 / 7 - 777 / 7 - 777 / 7 - 7
Yes, 777 is in the 7 times tables. To determine this, you would divide 777 by 7. If the result is a whole number, then 777 is in the 7 times tables. In this case, 777 divided by 7 equals 111, which is a whole number, confirming that 777 is indeed in the 7 times tables.
There are: 777/7 = 111
The answer is greater than, because 7 divided by 9 is .777777, and 2 divided by 4 is .5 .777 is greater than .5, and so 7/9ths is the greater of the two equations
That all depends upon the first term of the sequence: As long as the first number is less than, or equal to 777 and as long as (first_number MOD 7) ≡ (777 MOD 7) will 777 be in the sequence. 777 MOD 7 ≡ 0 ⇒ if, and only if, first_number ≤ 777 and first_number MOD 7 ≡ 0 (ie 7 divides the first number) will 777 be in the sequence.
77 / 7 - 777 / 7 - 777 / 7 - 777 / 7 - 7
.777 is greater than the rest.
-7 is not greater than 7.
777 is closest to 800 when rounded to the nearest hundred. When rounding to the nearest hundred, you look at the digit in the tens place (7 in this case). If the tens digit is 5 or greater, you round up; if it is less than 5, you round down. In this case, 7 is greater than 5, so 777 rounds up to 800.
Yes, 777 is in the 7 times tables. To determine this, you would divide 777 by 7. If the result is a whole number, then 777 is in the 7 times tables. In this case, 777 divided by 7 equals 111, which is a whole number, confirming that 777 is indeed in the 7 times tables.
The GCF is 7.