

Is 0.08bc coefficent

Updated: 4/28/2022
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7y ago

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yes 0.08bc coefficient because it has 8c in the problem

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What are coefficent in math?

a numerical or constant quantity placed before and multiplying the variable in an algebraic expression

What is the difference between the coefficient of simple determination and that of multiple determination?

The coefficient of simple determination tells the proportion of variance in one variable that can be accounted for (or explained) by variance in another variable. The coefficient of multiple determination is the Proportion of variance X and Y share with Z; or proportion of variance in Z that can be explained by X & Y.

What is correlation coefficient of correlation?

correlation measure the strength of association between to variables.but some times both variables are not in same we cannot measure it with the help of correlation. in this case we use its coefficent which mean unit free. that,s why we use it.

What is the slope and y intercept formula?

The slope intercept formula is y=mx + b in which m is the coefficent by x, x is the slope, and b is the y-intercept which is why it is called y-intercpet or slope-intercept. An example: y=3x + 7. Here your slope is three and y-intercept 7.

What statement must be true of an equation before you can use the quadratic formula to find the solutions?

The quadratic formula can be used to find the solutions of a quadratic equation - not a linear or cubic, or non-polynomial equation. The quadratic formula will always provide the solutions to a quadratic equation - whether the solutions are rational, real or complex numbers.