It depends if there is a decimal. If you mean .01 and .01000 then, yes, they are the same. If you mean 01 and 01000 then they are very different. The first is 1 and the other is 1000.
milli = .01 1 millimeter = .01 meters 1 milligram = .01 grams 1 milliliter = .01 liters etc.
i penny is 1 out of 100 cents, therefore it is .01
1% is the same as .01 times the original number. For instance, 1% of 500 is the same as .01 x 500 = 5.
It depends if there is a decimal. If you mean .01 and .01000 then, yes, they are the same. If you mean 01 and 01000 then they are very different. The first is 1 and the other is 1000.
The Name's the Same - 1951 1955-08-01 was released on: USA: 1 August 1955
The Name's the Same - 1951 1952-10-01 was released on: USA: 1 October 1952
The Name's the Same - 1951 1953-09-01 was released on: USA: 1 September 1953
The Name's the Same - 1951 1953-12-01 was released on: USA: 1 December 1953
smaller. If it was 0.9. 1 would be bigger, but 1 is just the same as saying 01 or 09 could be 9 it's just the same.
Four billion is 4,000,000,000 To take a percentage, multiply both numbers that is your answer 1% is the same as 1/100, or .01 So multiply 4,000,000,000 by .01 and you get 40,000,000 The answer is 40,000,000
Infinitely many. 1 + 1 + 1 + 19 .1 + .1 + .1 + 21.7 .01 + .01 +.01 + 21.97 And so on. And all these are with three of the numbers being the same. There are also combinations where some numbers are irrational -infinite, non recurring decimals. Then there are combinations with some of the numbers being negative.
milli = .01 1 millimeter = .01 meters 1 milligram = .01 grams 1 milliliter = .01 liters etc.
y = 0.166 x +1 or this; which is the same answer but as a fraction y = (1/6) x + 1