Closer than what?
The number 39.948 is closer to 40 than to 39. This is because when determining proximity, we look at the whole number portion first, which in this case is 39. Since 39.948 is closer to 40 on the number line, it would be considered closer to 40 than to 39.
Basically, that means that the number of tires (2) is closer to 1 than to 10.Basically, that means that the number of tires (2) is closer to 1 than to 10.Basically, that means that the number of tires (2) is closer to 1 than to 10.Basically, that means that the number of tires (2) is closer to 1 than to 10.
The smaller the value the closer it is to zero..003 < .01, therefore .003 is closer to zero.On a number line (not to scale):---(0)--(.001)-(.002)-(.003)-(.004)-(.005)-(.006)-(.007)-(.008)-(.009)-(.010)-(.011)Notice how .003 is closer to 0 than .010
No 0.03 is closer x
Closer than what?
.0123 is closer to zero than .023. If you round it to hundredths, it would be .01 or .02. Its easier to think of this way. 1 is closer to zero than 2.
It tells you which number is higher than the other or if its closer to its the location point than the other number. (might help : if it negative or positive that is closer.)
2/5 is less than half so would be closer to 0 than 1.
Because it is closer to zero. ex. 0.12. The 1 is closer to zero.
0.042 is smaller than 0.2, so 0.042
no it cant
The number 39.948 is closer to 40 than to 39. This is because when determining proximity, we look at the whole number portion first, which in this case is 39. Since 39.948 is closer to 40 on the number line, it would be considered closer to 40 than to 39.
Because numbers on the number line are in ascending order and -2 is closer to 0 than is -10