.125 is bigger because the first number after the decimal is bigger.
.9 is bigger than .09. Think about money. If you had 5.90, that is better than 5.09, right? Ninety cents is a lot more than nine cents.
125 is more than 075, so 125 mg is more than 075 mg.
i think its $ 0.075
Smaller. If you add .02 + .02 you would get .04 . Similarly in this fashion you keep adding .02 to itself. .02 + .02 + .02 + .02 .02 and you get .10 which is larger than .09 .09 + .09 = .18
.125 is bigger because the first number after the decimal is bigger.
.9 is bigger than .09. Think about money. If you had 5.90, that is better than 5.09, right? Ninety cents is a lot more than nine cents.
.39 is larger than .075 because it has a larger value in the tenths place
Bigger Than Me was created on 2005-09-30.
125 is more than 075, so 125 mg is more than 075 mg.
Bigger Than Big was created on 2007-07-09.
Bigger Than America was created on 1996-09-20.
Is 0.15 percent more than .075 percent?
It's greater than 5 and 75
It's Bigger Than Hip Hop was created on 2008-09-16.