12.5 is not a whole number, as it contains a decimal point. Odd and even classifications are reserved for whole numbers. In this case, 12.5 is a decimal number, falling between the whole numbers 12 and 13.
Oh, dude, 12.5 is like totally not an even number because it's got that pesky little 0.5 hanging out at the end. Even numbers are like those cool kids who get picked first for dodgeball, all whole numbers with no decimal nonsense. So yeah, 12.5 is definitely an oddball in the even number club.
odd because the 5 in the number is odd
odd * odd = odd answer even * even = even answer odd * even = even answer
If the last number is odd or even then the whole number is odd or even, in this case the last number is 3 which is an odd number, therefore the whole number is odd.
odd because the 5 in the number is odd
Not evenly. 125 is an odd number and 2 can only go into even numbers evenly.
Yes, it is.
odd * odd = odd answer even * even = even answer odd * even = even answer
No. Sum of odd + odd = even Sum of odd + even = odd Sum of even + even = even
The difference of an odd number and an even number is an odd number.
An even number can be a multiple of an odd number OR an even number. An odd number cannot be a multiple of an even number.
an odd numberSubtracting an odd number from an even number will always result in an odd number.
If the last number is odd or even then the whole number is odd or even, in this case the last number is 3 which is an odd number, therefore the whole number is odd.