You know if an answer is an over or underestimate because if the last 2 # is 5 and over, it is an overestimate. If the last 2 # is 4 and under, it is an underestimate. Ex: 345 answer if you were estimating 350 over. Ex: 232 if you were estimating your answer would be 230 and that is under.
OK, SO THE answer is 318 and 477. I got this by multiplying 3 and 53 and then multiplying it by 2 to get 318 and adding 159 to 318 (or multiplying 159 by 3) to get 477. Both of these work.
157 + 159 = 316 157 x 159 = 24,963
Most people would estimate that as 6 (an overestimate) - 4 (an underestimate) which would estimate the answer as 2, which is an overestimate.
It's an overestimate. The actual total is 1.61
Since the exact answer is 1.61, 2 is larger than 1.61 and hence an overestimate.
You know if an answer is an over or underestimate because if the last 2 # is 5 and over, it is an overestimate. If the last 2 # is 4 and under, it is an underestimate. Ex: 345 answer if you were estimating 350 over. Ex: 232 if you were estimating your answer would be 230 and that is under.