No. A whole number will be on the left side of the decimal point. For example, a 2 in 2.43 is a whole number.
The integer between the two numbers is 43.
To convert 5.43 to a mixed number, you first need to identify the whole number part, which is 5. The decimal part, .43, can be written as a fraction by placing it over 100 (since there are two decimal places). This gives you 43/100. Putting it all together, you get the mixed number 5 43/100.
It is rational and also a whole number.
43 to the nearest whole number
43 percent of 163 is exactly 70.09 . That's not a whole number, and there's nothing you can do to it to make it a whole number, without changing it into a different number.
It is 43.
43.1 rounded to the nearest whole number is 43
It is 43
The answer is 43
It is: 43
It is: 43