No - a smaller number can never be a multiple of a number, only a factor. But 4 is not a factor of 62, either.
The least common multiple of 12 , 62 = 372
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 62 and 29 is 1798
Lowest common multiple of 26 and 62 is 806.
The LCM is: 62
Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 62 48 is 1,488.
The lowest common multiple of 9 and 62 is 558.
2 is the lowest common multiple of 12 and 62.
The LCM of 62 and 100 is 3100.
Since 62 is a composite number and not prime you can check for divisibility by 31 and 2. To check for divisibility by 31 take the last digit of your number and multiply it by four, then add the result to your original number, deleting the last number ex. 624 to test would be 62 + (4*4) = 78 you continue in this fashion until a multiple of 31 and 2 are found. If they are not than it is not a multiple of 62 sources: I am a human calculator, experience