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yes because everything equals the middle number

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hailey kaster

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Q: Is 9x2 54x 81 a perfect square trinomial Justify your answer You may use to indicate an exponent For example x2 can be typed in as x2?
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Explain cubic binomial quadratic trinomial and linear binomial?

Binomials are algebraic equations with two different terms. Trinomials are algebraic equations with three different terms. For example, w^2 + 7w + 7 would be a trinomial because there are three terms in it and you can't simplify it any further. w + 7w would not be a binomial because you could still simplify it to be 8w, which is a monomial. w + 7 would be a binomial because there are two terms in it and you can't simplify it any further. Monomials have one term, binomials have two, trinomials three, and four terms and on are called polynomials. A linear binomial would be a binomial in which the highest exponent, or power, is one. For example, x + 2. A quadratic trinomial is a trinomial in which the highest exponent or power is two, or the second power. For example, w^2 + 7w + 8. A cubic binomial is a binomial in which the highest exponent or power is 3. For example, 7w^3 + x^2. Since three is larger than two, it is the highest power and the equation is a cubic binomial. Equations to the fourth power and on are simply called fourth degree, fifth degree, and so forth. For example, fourth degree binomial, sixth degree trinomial, and fifth degree monomial. To sum it up, Monomial = one term Binomial = two terms Trinomial = three terms Polynomial = +4 terms Linear = 1 is the highest power/exponent Quadratic = 2 is the highest power/exponent Cubic = 3 is the highest power/exponent Fourth degree, fifth degree, sixth degree, etc. = the highest power/exponent is four or larger.

What is the example of quadratic trinomial?

[ Ax2 + Bx + C ] is one example.

How do you get the exponent?

you get an exponent when you multiply EXAMPLE 10x10x10=1000 that is an exponent NO DONT THINK THAT IF THE EXPONENT IS 3 YOU MULTIPLY IT BY 3 NO WAY JOSE

What is the base of an exponent?

The base of an exponent is the main number. For example in 56 the number 5 is the base and 6 is the exponent.

Example of square of a trinomial?

If you want to know how to square a trinomial, you should first know the basic. (a+b+c)^2=? you have to square the first three terms then multiply 2 to the last three terms. All you have to do is to remember that a square of trinomial has 6 terms in the answer

Related questions

Explain cubic binomial quadratic trinomial and linear binomial?

Binomials are algebraic equations with two different terms. Trinomials are algebraic equations with three different terms. For example, w^2 + 7w + 7 would be a trinomial because there are three terms in it and you can't simplify it any further. w + 7w would not be a binomial because you could still simplify it to be 8w, which is a monomial. w + 7 would be a binomial because there are two terms in it and you can't simplify it any further. Monomials have one term, binomials have two, trinomials three, and four terms and on are called polynomials. A linear binomial would be a binomial in which the highest exponent, or power, is one. For example, x + 2. A quadratic trinomial is a trinomial in which the highest exponent or power is two, or the second power. For example, w^2 + 7w + 8. A cubic binomial is a binomial in which the highest exponent or power is 3. For example, 7w^3 + x^2. Since three is larger than two, it is the highest power and the equation is a cubic binomial. Equations to the fourth power and on are simply called fourth degree, fifth degree, and so forth. For example, fourth degree binomial, sixth degree trinomial, and fifth degree monomial. To sum it up, Monomial = one term Binomial = two terms Trinomial = three terms Polynomial = +4 terms Linear = 1 is the highest power/exponent Quadratic = 2 is the highest power/exponent Cubic = 3 is the highest power/exponent Fourth degree, fifth degree, sixth degree, etc. = the highest power/exponent is four or larger.

Does the exponent indicate how many times you use the number?

The exponent indicates how many times that number is multiplied by itself. For example, 5³ = 5 x 5 x 5 = 125.

What do Negative exponents indicate?

Raising a number to a negative exponent gives you the reciprocal of the same number raised to the corresponding positive exponent. For example, 32 = 9, so 3-2 = 1/9

What is a trinomial?

A trinomial is a polynomial with three unlike terms. Ex3n + 7x + 8y6xy is a trinomial?false . . . .A+

What is the example of quadratic trinomial?

[ Ax2 + Bx + C ] is one example.

How do you get the exponent?

you get an exponent when you multiply EXAMPLE 10x10x10=1000 that is an exponent NO DONT THINK THAT IF THE EXPONENT IS 3 YOU MULTIPLY IT BY 3 NO WAY JOSE

What is used to indicate multiplying a number by itself an certain number of times?

An exponent is used to indicate that a number is multiplied by itself a specified number of times. For example, to multiply 4 by itself 9 times, you would write 49.

What is the base of an exponent?

The base of an exponent is the main number. For example in 56 the number 5 is the base and 6 is the exponent.

Is there a zero exponent?

Yes the exponent is the number of times you multiply it so for example twenty with a zero exponent is zero

What is a positive integer exponent?

An exponent that is a positive integer. For example, x3 has a positive exponent, while 8-5 does not.

What is an irrational exponent?

It means that it is an exponent, and that it is not a rational number - i.e., one that can be written as a fraction of two integers.

How do you do derivatives?

Take the exponent and multiply it by the coefficient (or 1 if there is no coefficient) then subract 1 from the exponent. For example, the derivative of 2x^3 is 6x^2 If there is no exponent, for example, 2x the derivative is 2 because the exponent is actually 1 which produces the same coefficient and the exponent 0 meaning there is no x.