

Is a circle never ending

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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No it will meet the starting point, but you can go on the circle to make it never ending.

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A line is straight and never-ending. A circle curves and is round.

Is the start point of a circle also the end point?

yes because its a circle and it is a never ending line

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because it is a circle, never ending.

What are the starting and ending point of circle?

A circle has no starting or ending point of a circle. Hope this helps!

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the ring - used in marriage as it is a flawless and never ending circle. you cannot find the beginning or the end, therefore it symbolises the never ending love between to people

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Circles are a never ending object. They have no starting and no ending point. They have a center point and from the center to the edge of the circle is the same distance around the whole object.

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No, circle does not rhyme with purple. Rhyming words have similar ending sounds, but in this case, the ending sounds of "circle" and "purple" are not the same.

Where is pi from?

Pi is the never ending, never repeating number. It was created my a Greek mathematician and the estimate for pi is 3.14 but some more digits are: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445 Pi is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 1.

When was Never-Ending created?

Never-Ending was created in 2004.

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The only way to make a never ending candle is to never burn it. A never ending candle is just for show.

What is the definition pi?

Pi: the area of a circle. Pi is a never ending number. (3.1415926535...) A Japanese supercomputer once calculated 3 trillion digits of pi. Ten years later an American supercomputer found 6 trillion digits of pi proving it was never ending.