Ther is no last nuber in pi. Pi is a never ending number that continues forever, even after the end of time.
No, pi has no known ending, or any repetitious sequences of numbers for that matter.
pi never ends it is indefinite.
19.7392088 is also = to pi for instince infinaty=pi = never tnding so the formlea infinity=pi.
Take the value of pi which is 3.1415...... (never ending) Take the value of 1/3 which is 0.3333333..... (never ending) Take the value of 2/3 which is 0.6666666..... (never ending) In these cases, depending on the accuracy we are content with, we will take the value only to a certain number of decimals which gives an approximate value and definitely not the accurate value. In many cases we cannot use the accurate value and an approximation will suffice. Thus, depending on the accuracy or precision we need, we can approximate the value of pi to be 3.14, the value of 1/3 to be 0.3, and the value of 2/3 to be 0.66
Pi is in fact a never ending number since it's decimal part goes on for ever and has no specific pattern. Ha!
The number pi starts as 3.141592653... and goes on forever, never ending and never repeating. It has been calculated out to billions of decimal places, without ever ending (and it never will).
Pi: the area of a circle. Pi is a never ending number. (3.1415926535...) A Japanese supercomputer once calculated 3 trillion digits of pi. Ten years later an American supercomputer found 6 trillion digits of pi proving it was never ending.
Impossible to answer ! Infinity is a never ending quantity - and Pi is a never ending decimal !
Pi is the never ending, never repeating number. It was created my a Greek mathematician and the estimate for pi is 3.14 but some more digits are: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445 Pi is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 1.
Pi which is a never ending number nowadays known as 3.1415926535... was originally calculated to be 3.1416.
Pi is never-ending, thus infinite, but it is usually considered 3.14 for short.
Ther is no last nuber in pi. Pi is a never ending number that continues forever, even after the end of time.
it is a never ending number that goes on for ever
Mathamatical pi is an irrational number. It classifys as an irrational number because the numbers never repeat and pi is a never ending number.
Pi is a number that is never ending, but most people only use the first couple of digits. pi = 3.14159265 pi is the ratio of a circles' diameter to its circumference
pi is defined as circumference divided by diameter circumference = pi * diameter pi is approximately 3.14159...... non-repeating, never ending decimal places