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Not if you are a normal human being. The distance from the fingertips of your outstretched arm to somewhere on the opposite collarbone is likely to be nearer a metre.

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Q: Is a meter the length of my arm?
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What would be about 1 meter?

An adult's arm length.

Help how is 1 meter big?

1 meter=100cm. its about the length of an audlts arm. 1 mter is not big.

How can you can you identify a meter stick?

A meter stick is very roughly the length of an adult's arm or a bit longer, and is marked off in 100 units.

How many meters are there in 9 arm span?

depends on the length of the persons arms. My arm span is about .8 meter so 9 x .8 = 7.2 meters

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The length of the short arm of a trebuchet is typically around 1 meter, while the length of the long arm is usually between 4-10 meters. The longer the long arm, the more power and distance the trebuchet can achieve when launching projectiles.

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The length of a T Rex's arm is three feet which is equivalent to one meter

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An arm's length is a distance approximately equal to the length of a human arm, sometimes used figuratively.

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The term for newton meter is "joule." It is the standard unit of energy in the International System of Units (SI) and is defined as the work done by a force of one newton acting over a distance of one meter.

What is an example of something 1 meter long?

a meter is roughly the same length as a yard. Picture a yardstick, or 3 1-ft long rulers. A grown man, 6ft tall, is roughly one meter from the center of his chest to the tip of an outstretched arm

What is the relationship between height and arm length?

The length of one arm is about 40% of your height