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Yes, C.O.P is always greater than 1 in case of refrigeration system and heat pump. but in case of aircraft engines C.O.P is less than 1. because in high altitudes the air pressure is always low. so the C.O.P becomes less than 1 in most cases..

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Q: Is cop of refrigerator must be greater than 1?
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What does 201 mean in cop terms?

It means unhealthy air....

How many days do you work for a cop?

9 days a week

What does one man down range mean in cop form?

Usually used for bomb techs...only one man can be in range of a live bomb at any given time.

How many years can and average person get for selling 100 escstacy to and under cover cop?

Not necessarily. No, that would kind of defeat the purpose of being undercover. Stay away from young girls in chat rooms, they may be cops and you will get busted!

What is meant by screwed up by the numbers?

theis phrase is a combination of two different phrases, the first being to "screw up" which means to do something wrong. an example might be saying yes when your wife asks "does this make me look fat?" the second phrase is "by the numbers" which means to follow a procedure or series of directions exactly. an example would be instructions for cooking something, first you do "a" second you do "b" third you do "c". thus to "screw up by the numbers" instead of following the directions correctly you have screwed up on each step. a second meaning would be that after making one bad decision and given a chance to correct your mistake you did something to make it worse. an example might be you lock yourself out of the house. instead of calling you wife to let you back in, you try to pick the lock. a policeman sees you picking the lock and comes to arrest you for breaking and entering. instead of explaing you get biligerent and hit the cop when he tries to arrest you. so you get sentenced to 6 months comunity service for assulting a police officer and have "screwed up by the numbers".

Related questions

Why cop of making ice is greater than that of refrigerator?

The cop of making ice is greater than that of a refrigerator because making ice involves removing heat at a lower temperature (0°C or below) compared to the temperature in a refrigerator. This requires more energy input to remove heat at a lower temperature, resulting in a higher coefficient of performance (COP) for ice making compared to a refrigerator.

What will be the COP of a domestic refrigerator available in the market?


What is the Typical value of cop of refrigerator?

there are many factors affecting COP. maybe it ranges from 2.5-5

What is a good cop of a refrigerator?

ONE that is Near the COP_R of the coeff for the carnot cycle

Why coefficient of performance of a refrigerator is greater than 1?

The coefficient of performance (see Wikipedia article on "coefficient of performance") is a measure of merit for a refrigerator. To understand what it is telling us, we need to understand what a refrigerator does. Heat flows naturally from a hot region to a cold region. Even though your kitchen refrigerator is insulated to minimize the heat flow, without the machinery, the inside would gradually warm up to the temperature of the room. To keep the inside cold, the refrigerator must counter the natural flow by moving heat from the colder region inside the refrigerator to the outside. We have to put energy (usually electrical work) into the refrigerator to accomplish this. If the inside were warmer than the outside, it would take no work to remove heat from the inside. The warmer inside would pass heat to the colder outside naturally. If the inside is just a little colder than the outside, it would take just a little work to move heat from inside to outside. As the temperature difference you wish to maintain increases, so does the work needed. But when we deal with thermodynamics, we must use absolute temperatures. If the temperature of the room is 68 degrees Fahrenheit, that is 20 degrees Celcius, or 293 degrees Kelvin. (The Kelvin temperature scale starts at absolute zero) If the temperature inside the freezer compartment is -5 degrees Celcius, that would be 268 Kelvin. The difference of 25 degrees is less than a tenth the lower absolute temperature. So in essence, this is the case of a small temperature difference. The coefficient of performance is the ratio of the heat removed at the colder temperature to the work required to do it. Like many other figures of merit (the efficiency of an engine, the miles per gallon your car gets, ) the coefficient of performance measures the ratio of what you get (heat moved out of the box) to what you have to pay for (work from the electric company). But unlike the efficiency of an engine, the number can be greater than one. Because the temperature difference is small compared to the absolute temperature of the box, the energy expended to run the refrigerator is less than the energy moved from the inside to the outside.

What does the Q represent in the COP equation for a refrigerator?

The Q represents the heat absorbed in the evaporator of the refrigerator. It is a critical component in the Coefficient of Performance (COP) equation, which helps quantify the efficiency of the refrigerator in terms of how much cooling it generates relative to the amount of work input.

Does domestic refrigerator have more cop than air conditioner?

COP of any refrigerating system mainly depends on the performance of the compressors used and the heat load at the evaporator. A similar or almost equal COP can be achieved from any system by varying its working parameters like load, kind of refrigerant used and the system working pressure. For more details contact

What must a cop adminstrator do to prevent cop members from viewing a folder and its contents?

restrict access to the folder, ensure none of the cop members have privileges

What must a cop administrator do to prevent cop members from viewing a folder and contents?

ensure none of the cop members have privileges for the folder, restrict access to the folder

Can a cop just open your door?

As is often the case with analyzing the legality of an action taken by a cop, whether the cop can "just open your door" depends on the specific circumstances. For example, a cop can open your door when the cop has observed a felony in progress by seeing it through a window. Or when the cop is in hot pursuit of someone the cop has observed entering the dwelling. Otherwise, the general rule is that the cop must have a warrant before entering a dwelling without permission, and even with a warrant the cop usually must knock first and request admission (although not if the cop has a "no knock" warrant).

What is the difference between cofficient of performance and efficiency?

The COP can be more that one since the heat transferred can be more than power required by the refrigerator but the efficiency can never be more than one since the power generated by engine cannot be more than the total heat content of the fuel.

Is a police stronger than a cop?

no a police is weaker than a cop because it solves more cases and it is brave