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No its not. A cycle is closed trail

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Q: Is cycle and circuit in graph theory same?
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What is a cycle in graph theory?

If the graph start and end with same vertex and no other vertex can be repeated then it is called trivial graph.

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connecting the vertices in a graph so that the route traveled starts and ends at the same vertex.

Prove that if a DFS and BFS trees in graph G are the same than?

ok here we go...Proof:If the some graph G has the same DFS and BFS then that means that G should not have any cycle(work out for any G with a cycle u will never get the same BFS and DFS .... and for a graph without any cycle u will get the same BFS/DFS).We will prove it by contradiction:So say if T is the tree obtained by BFS/DFS, and let us assume that G has atleast one edge more than T. So one more edge to T(T is a tree) would result in a cycle in G, but according to the above established principle no graph which has a cycle would result the same DFS and BFS, so out assumption is a contradiction.Hence G should have more edges than T, which implies that if the BFS and DFS for a graph G are the same then the G = T.Hope this helps u......................

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Can you plot the same things from a frequency graph on a line graph?

yes you can plot same things from a frequency graph on a line graph because it is the same thing :) peace

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The cycle property of minimum spanning trees (MSTs) states that if you have a cycle in a graph and you remove the heaviest edge from that cycle, the resulting graph will still have the same minimum spanning tree. This property impacts the construction and optimization of MSTs by helping to identify and eliminate unnecessary edges, leading to a more efficient and optimal tree structure.

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Where does the negative sign go in imaginary numbers?

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