

Best Answer

Eight ninths is 1.587% more than seven eighths.

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Q: Is eight ninths bigger than seven-eights?
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Is nine tenths bigger than eight ninths?


Is eight ninths bigger than three fourths?

Yes it is.

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Is three tenths bigger than two ninths?

Three tenths is bigger than two ninths.

Is seventh eighths greater than eight ninths?

no,eight ninths is greater

Is eight nines bigger than one half?

"Eight nines" totals up to seventy-two (72), which is certainly bigger than one half. "Eight ninths" ( 8/9 ) is 78% more than one half. (rounded)

What is bigger 1 third or 3 eights?

Three ninths is one third, and eighths are bigger than ninths. Three eighths is bigger than three ninths. Therefore three eighths is bigger than one third.

Is four ninths greater than or less than eight sixteenths?

Four ninths is less than eight sixteenths.

Is five ninths greater than eight ninths?

No, it's not.

Is two fifths greater than eight ninths?

No. Two Fifths = 0.4 Eight Ninths = 0.8889

What fraction is bigger five eights or five ninths?

Five eights is 40 which is much bigger than five ninths, which is less than 1.

what is the difference between six ninths and four ninths?

One is bigger than the other,