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Q: Is every simple graph on n vertices is isomorphic to a subgraph on kn?
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Every finite group is isomorphic to a permutation group?

yes form cayleys theorem . every group is isomorphic to groups of permutation and finite groups are not an exception.

What is Cayley's Theorem?

Cayley's Theorem states that every group G is isomorphic to a subgroup of the symmetric group on G.

What prisms have vertices?

Every prism has vertices. They have an even number of vertices, with a minimum of 6 and no maximum.

Which polygon has more than 5 vertices?

Every polygon that is not a triabgle (3 vertices), quadrilateral (4 vertices) or pentagon (5 vertices) has more than 5 vertices.

Is every triangle whose vertices lie on a circle is isoscles?


Can you name a soild shape with no faces and no vertices?

No. Every solid shape has at least one face. The closest you will get is a sphere, which has no edges or vertices, but it still has a face.

The number of vertices of a trapezoidal pyramid?

A pyramid has one vertex for every vertex (or side) of the base plus an extra one. A trapezoid is a quadrilateral and so has 4 vertices (and sides). Thus a trapezoidal pyramid has 5 vertices.

How many vertexes does a icosahedron have?

The 12 pentagons each have 5 vertices, none share vertices with any other pentagon. Every hexagon vertex is a shared one with a pentagon, so ignore them to avoid repeats. 12 * 5 = 60 vertices.

How do you determine how many vertices on a cube?

the vertex is where the two or more edges meet so to find them just count the corners because every corner is a vertex. a cube has 8 Vertices

How many faces does a dodecahedron?

Every dodecahedron - not just an average one, has 12 faces. It can have as few as 8 vertices.

Can a rectangle have three vertices?

Of course! Every rectangle has three vertices.Plus another one in addition to those.

Is every rhombus a rectangle?

No. All four vertices of a rectangle are right angles. That is not generally the case for a rhombus.