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No because a square, a rectangle, a rhombus and a kite are other types of 4 sided quadrlaterals

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Q: Is it impossible to draw a quadrilateral that is not an trapezoid or parallelogram?
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Is it not possible for you to draw a quadrilateral that is not a trapezoid and a parallelogram?


Is it impossible to draw a quadrilateral that is not a trapezoid?


Draw a quadrilateral that is not a square?

rectangle, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezoid, isosceles trapezoid, kite ... etc

Is it possible to draw a quadrilateral that is not a trapezoid and not a parallelogram?

Yes, providing it has 4 sides.

Is it possible to draw a quadrilateral that is not a trapezoid or a parallelogram?


How do you draw a quadrilateral with 1 pair of parallel sides?

A quadrilateral that is not a parallelogram (two sets of parallel sides) may be a trapezoid or a trapezium (US terms). To draw a trapezium (irregular quadrilateral), draw two parallel lines and connect them with unequal lines at non-congruent angles. If you make the angles opposite and congruent, you have drawn a trapezoid, which looks like a small stepstool with a top smaller than the base. If you make the connecting lines of equal length, you have drawn a trapezoid or parallelogram.

Can quadrilaterals be classified as either parallelograms or trapezoids?

No. There are other options. A parallelogram is a special case of a trapezoid; a trapezoid has a set of parallel sides. It is of course quite possible to draw a quadrilateral that has NO parallel sides.

How do you draw a quadrilateral that is not a parallelogram?

by making a square

What quadrilateral has 4 vertices and no parallel or equal sides?

Any quadrilateral that's not a parallelogram or a trapezoid. That would be almost all quadrilaterals that it's possible to draw. The ones with names are the rare special cases.

Can you draw a quadrilateral that is not a square or a rectangle?

Yes, trapezoid

What quadrangle has 2 pairs of parallel sides and no right angle?

Trapezoid by doraexplorer: the 2 sides of a trapezoid left and right intersect when you draw longer lines from the top. if you draw the lines from under these lines, they will not meet. you can say trapezoid, but i think the answer is a rhombus. by the way, you spelled quadrilateral wrong.

What is the fewest number of figures you would have to draw to display a square a rectangle a parallelogram and a trapezoid?

Two, a square and a trapezoid. A square is a rectangle and a parallelogram.