Yes it is one
Yes it has to be just as a square
this is not possible as all squares are paralelograms.
It is impossible to draw a straight line.
No because a square, a rectangle, a rhombus and a kite are other types of 4 sided quadrlaterals
No, but you can draw a parallelogram that is not a square. All squares are parallelograms, but only some parallelograms are squares.
yes,you can._____________________________________________/ // this is a paralellogram. it is not a square. the top is parallel to the bottom/ // // // // // // /------------------------------------------------------------------------
That is impossible as a square IS quadrilateral
Yes it is one
'A square is a type of rectangle, a rectangle is a type of paralellogram, a paralellogram is a type of trapezoid, a trapezoid is a type of quadrilateral.
Yes it has to be just as a square
A rhombus, square , paralellogram ,rectangle, and trapezoid
You can't, its impossible.
A square