Sort of. The second (s) is the base SI unit & a millisecond (ms) is a derived unit. The second was also part of the Imperial system.
See related link below for more info
The metric unit is a millilitre. The metric unit is a millilitre. The metric unit is a millilitre. The metric unit is a millilitre.
Metric unit is easy. Costomary unit is an advanced unit
A litre is a metric unit. A quart is two pints - an imperial unit.
An inch.
you divide the smaller # into the bigger #----
Milliseconds are a unit of time. In one second, there are one thousand milliseconds.
The metric unit is a millilitre. The metric unit is a millilitre. The metric unit is a millilitre. The metric unit is a millilitre.
millisecond, hour, and seconds.
I not a metric unit of anything! A litre is one metric unit for volume.
A metric unit is a decimal unit of measurement of the metric system, based on meters and kilograms and seconds.
In the metric system, how many milliseconds are needed to make one second?
What is the metric unit of a orange? What is the metric unit of a pencil? What iw the customary unit amount of water a bathtub will hold?
Metric unit is easy. Costomary unit is an advanced unit
yes a liter is a metric unit