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Yes, since -10 it is on the left of -1 on a number line.

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Q: Is negative 10 less than negative 1?
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The scientific notation is negative if the number itself is negative and not otherwise. Thus the scientific notation for -2500 is -2.5*103. Perhaps what you were thinking was when the exponent, or power of 10, is negative. This is negative when the magnitude of the "ordinary" number is smaller than 1. Thus 0.25 = 2.5*10-1 So, if the number itself is less than 0 and its magnitude is less than 1 (ie -1 < x < 0), then both are negative. For example, -0.0025 = -2.5*10-3

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Zero is more than, not less than the number negative 1.

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When one of the factors is less than or equal to 1, and the other is positive. Examples: 1 x 9 = 9 0 x 5 = 0 -1 x 10 = -10 If both are negative, it doesn't work: -10 x -10 = +100

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none. all numbers, decimal or integer, less than -18 are also less than -1.

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no it is more

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It can be improper AND negative (less than 0 and so less than 1).