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-13 is certainly less than 13

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Q: Is negative 13 less than or equal to 13?
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Is 16 less than 13?

16 is greater than 13 but negative 16 or -16 is less than negative 13 or -13. The larger the negative number the smaller is its value..

What is an integer that is 1 less than negative 13?

One less than -13 is -14.

Is 12 less than or equal to 13?

less than

The sum of an integer and the next greater integer is at most 13?

2x + 1 is equal to or less than 13.

Is positive 13 equal to negative 13?

(+)13 does NOT equal (-13). However, their modulii (plural of modulus) are equal at '13' . It is written as as a value -13 < +13 However the modulii is written as |-13| = |+13| note the use of vertical lines, because the numerical value is the same.

Is -13 greater than or less than 1?

-13 is less than 1 similarly -13 < 1 -13 is a Negative number meaning it is below 0 (To the left) on the number line.

Is 12.5 less than or greater than negative 13?

12.5 > -13 or -13 < 12.5 I casually think of temperatures. '-13 oC is colder than 12.5 oC . So 13 < 12.5 Or think of the number line. -14,-13,5, -13, -12.5 , -12 .... 0 .... 12, 12.5, 13, 13.5, 14. The negative (left) side is always less than the positive (right) side. The modulus of the number |-13| > |12.5| it Follows that |13|>|12.5| ,, but the negative sign makes it 'less than'.

Is positive 13 greater than or less than negative 51?

Greater than. Positive numbers are greater than negative numbers.

Is 67.6 divided by 13 less than 5.2?

It is equal to 5.2

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A number decreased by 7 is at most 13?

n - 7 is equal to or less than 13