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No they are not the same.

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Q: Is negative 24 equal to positive 24?
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What is a negative and a positive equal?

A negative e. i. 4X-6=-24

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(24) x (-2) = -48

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-16 - 8 = -24

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(-24)2=576. If you're wondering why the answer is positive it's because a negative times a negative is a positive number.

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positive and a positive is a positive negative and a negative is a positive to answer your question: positive and a negative is a negative.

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The problem 20 minus negative 24 equals 44 because two negatives become a positive.

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How do you multyply integers?

when you have a negative times a negative it will equal a positive but when you have a negative times a positive it will equal a negative no matter what!

Is a negative divided by a positive equal to a positive?

No, it is a negative

Does a positive minus a negative equal a positive or negative?

Always positive.