

Is pi divided by e rational?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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A rational number is able to be represented as a ratio of polynomials. pi/e is a ratio of Irrational Numbers, neither of which can be represented as a ratio of polynomials, and so I would conclude that pi/e is not rational. But it's a good question, because what if two irrational numbers could cancel out their irrationality, like two negative numbers!

A quotient of two irrational numbers can be a rational number. Trivial example 2pi/pi = 2.

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It is NOT rational, but it IS real.Start with Euler's formula: e^ix = cos(x) + i*sin(x) for all x.When x = pi/2,e^(i*pi/2) = cos(pi/2) + i*sin(pi/2) = 0 + i*1 = ior i = e^(i*pi/2)Raising both sides to the power i givesi^i = e^[i*(i*pi/2)] = e^[i*i*pi/2]and since i*i = -1,i^i = e^(-pi/2) = 0.20788, approx.

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