six thousand eight hundred four
On the line to the left of the word 'dollars': Six thousand and 00/100In the small block next to the dollar sign: 6,000.00
$3,950 X 0.06 = $237.00
Well, isn't that just a happy little puzzle! If the man has 1.15 in six coins but can't make change for a dollar, half dollar, quarter, dime, or nickel, then he must have five pennies and one dime. That adds up to 1.15 without using any of the other coins mentioned. Just a reminder, there are no mistakes in puzzles, only happy accidents!
ya two dollar is scam truly
Generally speaking a one dollar per click site is a scam....I have tried every ptc site there is on the web. A lot of the ptc sites on that link only pay fractions of pennies for clicks.
not at all..........
scam site it is not possible to pay 12 $ of one click
yes ,its realy scam, in october 2011 I get the 1.000 us dollar,untill now I still waiting for the payment,I send many mail but they do not give any answer,so please I hope the people donot click ads on this only scam and you will lose your precious
It is a scam site. There are more than a thousand paid to click sites on the Internet but most of them are illegal and scam.
yes ,its realy scam, in october 2011 I get the 1.000 us dollar,untill now I still waiting for the payment,I send many mail but they do not give any answer,so please I hope the people donot click ads on this only scam and you will lose your precious
The whole black dollar thing is a scam.
Six tenths of a dollar is equivalent to $0.60. This can be calculated by multiplying 0.6 (which represents six tenths) by 1 (the value of a dollar). Therefore, six tenths of a dollar is $0.60.
It doesn't work for me! When I click on anwers, I get no response.
There is no specific chemical that can clean black dollar bills. This is a common scam known as "black money scam" where fraudsters claim they can clean black-coated money into usable currency. It's important to be cautious of such claims as they are typically fraudulent.
It is likely a scam. Do not click or accept it.