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Q: Is the sum multiplication or addition?
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Related questions

Is total addition or multiplication?

Addition, sum would be multiplication.

Does sum of mean multiplication?

No. 'Sum' implies addition.

Do you do multiplication when it asks for the total?

Total or sum total is usually addition. Multiplication is product.

What is a sum and product?

A sum is an answer to an addition problem and a product is an answer to a multiplication problem

What is the answer of addition multiplication subtaction?

sum, product, difference

How a product and a sum are alike and how they are different?

A product is the answer of a multiplication equation. A sum is the answer of an addition equation.

How is a product and a sum alike?

A product is the result of multiplication, and a sum is the result of addition. Multiplication and addition are alike in that multiplication is really just repeated addition. For example, to multiply 3x5 is the same as 3+3+3+3+3 or 5+5+5. These will all result in either the product of 15 or the sum of 15.

Does product and sum mean the same?

NO!!! Product means Mu;ltiply Sum means Addition (Add).

Is a product what you get after adding?

No, a product is the result from multiplication. A sum is the result of addition.

What property involves multiplying a sum by a number?

The distributive property of multiplication over addition.

What is the name for the term of the sum of items that are multiplied together?

Addition - Sum Subtraction - Difference Division - Quotent Multiplication - Product

What is another word for the answer to an subtraction problem?

Answer for an addition problem= sum. Answer for a subtraction problem= difference. Answer for a multiplication problem= product. Answer for a division problem= quotient.