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I think so when i don't know but i was just reading something about it and it said not before 2014

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Q: Is there a avitar 2
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Is there a James Cameron Avitar 2 planmed?

Cameron has confirmed that he has ideas for a sequel to "Avatar" under way.

What is the dream avitar website for gaiaonlinecom?

How do you change the sploder character?

click on change avitar

What film is better transformers or terminator?

avitar, grease, titanic

What is an Avi on Twitter?

The Avi on Twitter is your profile picture (Avitar).

What is the most grossing film ever?

Avitar just beat out Titanic.

Where do you find animations on meez?

when you go to certain rooms on meez there is an avitar that sells things and you buy animations from them.for example when you go to rock with bandslam in uptown there is an avitar that sells a free guitar animation.

How much did avitar cost to make?

One estimate is around $500 Million.

Is it wrong for all adults to have only cartoons as your profile pics on msn?

No an avitar is not that important.

How do you sell things in whirled?

Go to the logo on the bottom on stuff and click on create avitar.

Director of avtar the hollwood film?

avitar was directed by James Cameron abys,terminator,titanic.