

Best Answer

Certainly. There are an infinite number of them.

One of them is [ negative googolplex - 1 ] .

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Is there a number bigger than a googol?

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No, Infinity is never ending, where as a googolplex is a fixed number.

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Is infinity bigger than a googolplex?

No googolplex is a number however infinity is not it is a word or a symbol

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Is infinity a higher number than a Googolplex?

No infinity is smaller than googolplexian

Which number is larger than googolplex?

There is only one place above it, that is Googolplexplex or googolduplex. It contains a googolplex of zero's. Greater than googolplexplex is only infinity.

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no; any negative number would be lower than 0 negative 50 would still be lower than positive 3

What number is bigger than googol plex?

Not googolplex plus one. That is not a number. It is googolplexplex

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Googolplex is a larger number because -llion is smaller than g-

Is the number Millinillion larger than Googleplex?

Yes, a millinillion is larger than a googolplex. A millinillion is equal to 10^(3*(10^9)), which is a 1 followed by 3 billion zeros. In contrast, a googolplex is equal to 10^(10^100), which is a 1 followed by a googol of zeros, where a googol is 10^(100). Therefore, a millinillion is significantly larger than a googolplex.

What is googolplex minus 1?

A googolplex is 10 to the power of a googol, which is 10 to the power of 100. Therefore, a googolplex is 10^(10^100). Subtracting 1 from a googolplex would result in a number that is still incredibly close to a googolplex itself, given the immense size of a googolplex. The resulting number would be almost indistinguishable from a googolplex in practical terms.