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Q: Is there more than 10000 hours in one year?
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How many hours are there in a leap year than a year?

There are 24 more hours...

What time is 10000 hours?

10,000 hours is equivalent to approximately 416.67 days, or just over 1 year and 1 month.

Are there more than 10 000 hours in 1 year?

No. There are 8760 hours in a regular year, and 8784 hours in a leap year.

How many hours can a seventeen year old work in 24 hours?

No more than 24 hours.

Are there more or less than one thousand hours in one year?


Which year the Hindu religion started?

Hindu Religion is very Ancient . It came into existence more than 10000 years ago.

What year did Hindu origin?

actually Hinduism is very ancient Religion. More than 10000 years old. Some scholars also state that Hinduism is even more old than that.

What are the penalties for minors convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol?

1st DWI offense - punishable as a fine not to exceed $2000, confinement in jail for not less than 72 hours or more than 180 days, driver license suspension for not less than 90 days or more than 365 days, 2nd DWI offense - punishable as a fine not to exceed 4000, confinement in jail for not less than 30 days or more than 1 year, driver license suspension for not less 180 days or more than 2 years. 3rd DWI offense - punishable as a fine not to exceed 10000, confinement in jail for not less than 2 year or more than 10 years, driver license suspension for not less than 180 days or more than 2 years. DWI with child passenger under 15 - punishable as a fine not to exceed $ 10000, confinement in jail for not less than 180 days or more than 2 years. Intoxication Assault - punishable by a fine not to exceed 10000, confinement in the penitentiary for not less than 2 years or more than 10 years, driver license suspension for no less than 90 days or more than a year Intoxication Manslaughter - punishable by a fine not to exceed $10000, confinement in the penitentiary for not less than 2 years or more than 20 years, driver license suspension for not less than 180 days or more than 2 years

What are the penalties for minors convicted for driving under the influence of alcohol?

1st DWI offense - punishable as a fine not to exceed $2000, confinement in jail for not less than 72 hours or more than 180 days, driver license suspension for not less than 90 days or more than 365 days, 2nd DWI offense - punishable as a fine not to exceed 4000, confinement in jail for not less than 30 days or more than 1 year, driver license suspension for not less 180 days or more than 2 years. 3rd DWI offense - punishable as a fine not to exceed 10000, confinement in jail for not less than 2 year or more than 10 years, driver license suspension for not less than 180 days or more than 2 years. DWI with child passenger under 15 - punishable as a fine not to exceed $ 10000, confinement in jail for not less than 180 days or more than 2 years. Intoxication Assault - punishable by a fine not to exceed 10000, confinement in the penitentiary for not less than 2 years or more than 10 years, driver license suspension for no less than 90 days or more than a year Intoxication Manslaughter - punishable by a fine not to exceed $10000, confinement in the penitentiary for not less than 2 years or more than 20 years, driver license suspension for not less than 180 days or more than 2 years

Do you have to have more than a year to be in prison?

No you don't because you can even be in jail for a day or a few hours.

How long is dawn till dust?

It depends on the part of year you measure it! At winter, it's less than 12 hours. At autumn and spring, there's a day where day and night take 12 hours each (But, it's always more or less than 12 hours), and at summer it's more than 12 hours.

How much you have to save to have 10000 in a year?

You have to save 10000, obviously!