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Whether or not is is a function depends on how the mapping is defined. If, for example the mapping is f(x, y) = x, where the coordinates of points in 2-d space are mapped to their abscissa or g(x, y) = y, where the coordinates of points in 2-d space are mapped to their ordinates then they are functions.

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Q: Is this domain (1 1) (2 2) (3 3) (3 6) (4 4) (5 5) (6 6) and this range 1 2 3 4 5 6 a function?
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What is the range when the domain is -2 1 3?

That depends on the specific function.

What is the range of the function y equals x2 plus 1?

The answer depends on the domain. If the domain is the whole of the real numbers, the range in y ≥ 1. However, you can choose to have the domain as [1, 2] in which case the range will be [2, 5]. If you choose another domain you will get another range.

What is the example of the range and domain in a function?

A function is a mapping from one set to another. It may be many-to-one or one-to-one. The first of these sets is the domain and the second set is the range. Thus, for each value x in the domain, the function allocates the value f(x) which is a value in the range. For example, if the function is f(x) = x^2 and the domain is the integers in the interval [-2, 2], then the range is the set [0, 1, 4].

Domain and range of binary function?

x y -3 2 -1 6 1 -2 3 5

What is the range of the function f(x) 4x plus 9 given the domain D -4 -2 0 2?

The range is {-7, 1, 9, 17}.

Domain is 2 range is 2 is this a function?

yes y=x Like 2=2

Is it ever possible for the domain and range to have different numbers of entries what happens when this is the case?

Yes. Typical example: y = x2. To avoid comparing infinite sets, restrict the function to integers between -3 and +3. Domain = -3, -2 , ... , 2 , 3. So |Domain| = 7 Range = 0, 1, 4, 9 so |Range| = 4 You have a function that is many-to-one. One consequence is that, without redefining its domain, the function cannot have an inverse.

What is the domain and range of the sine function y is equal to 2 sin x?

Domain (input or 'x' values): -&infin; < x < &infin;.Range (output or 'y' values): -2 &le; y &le; 2.

How do you determine what the domain and range of a function are?

The domain of a function pertains to all the x values The range of a function pertains to all the y values So domain and range do not get confused, this can be easily remembered by the order of the how the first letter of the word appears in the English alphabet. d, domain, goes before r, range x goes before y domain = x values range = y values ill try to add to the previous writer. previously, he wrote what the domain and range are for easier functions, but not how to determine them. more generally, what the domain is, is what you can put into a function, which in simpler cases, is jus x. to find what you can put in, it helps to find what you cant put in for x, meaning, where is the graph of the function discontinuous. for example, if we look at the function f(x)=1/(1-x) if we put 1 in for x, then the denominator goes to zero and the function is discontinuous at that x value, therefore 1 will not be included in the domain, but everything else will be included since there are no other disconinuities. the domain will end up looking like this- (-infinity,1), (1,infinity). now for the range, all you have to do is find what you can get out of the function from what you can put in, which can usually be done by putting the values you see for the domain in. putting negative infinity in for x in f(x)=1/(1-x) you get zero and putting one in you get infinty. putting it together you get (-infinity,0), (0,infinity) for your range. p.s. as i stated before, more generally, your domain is more so what you put into your function, so it is not always x, for example, in the case of a function of 2 variables such as f(x,y), what you can put in for both x and y will make up your domain, not just x, and y will most certainly not be your range, rather it will be the values of f(x,y).

What is the domain of the continuous quadratic function y equals 4x2 plus 2?

The domain is from negative infinity to positive infinity. The range is from positive 2 to positive infinity.

What is Range and Domain?

Range: The range is the set of all possible output values (usually y), which result from using the function formula. Domain: The domain of a function is the set of all possible input values (usually x), which allows the function formula to work.