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Q: Is zero a square number
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Is zero a prime or square number or both?

This is an odd question. I hope you understand that a "square number" is not the opposite of a prime number. Zero is not a prime. Zero is a "square number" since 02=0.

Is the number zero a square number?


Can you square an integer and get a negative number?

No. The square of a positive number is positive; the square of a negative number is also positive; and the square of zero is zero. If you want to square a number and get a negative result, you need complex numbers. For example, the square of 2i is -4.

Ten times the square of a non-zero number is equal to forty times the number?

Ten times the square of a non-zero number is equal to forty times the number. What is the number?

IS zero a square integer number?


What is the square root of zero?

"0" And if you think about it, zero times zero is still zero. Zero times anything is zero, so this doesn't have an exception when you do the reverse to find the square root.The square root of a number (n) is a number that when multiplied by itself (squared) results in the original number (n). Therefore, the square root of 0 must be 0 because 0 x 0 = 0.

Is 240 a perfect square?

No it is not, as the square root of 240 is not an natural number or zero.

Is the square root of zero a rational number?


Define a number which is always positive?

A number greater than zero fits the question. So does the square of any non-zero number.

How do you mark square roots on a number line?

This can not be done. Every non-negative number on the number line is the square root of its square. You would have to mark every number from zero on.

What is the square root of 9801 divided by 0?

Undefined: You cannot divide by zero

Does dividing by zero result in an imaginary number?

No. Dividing by zero is undefined. It does not result in anything.