skew lines
when the lines forming two sides of a shape if continued forever in both directions for eternity would never touch or intersect. meanint they are the same line but on different axisExtending in the same direction, everywhere equidistant, and not meeting.
i dont know! trangle
i dont now but the code to it is 321123
I Dont Know Try Searching It On Google
Which statement represents the following Euler diagram? If two lines are parallel, then the two lines do not intersect.
skew lines
when the lines forming two sides of a shape if continued forever in both directions for eternity would never touch or intersect. meanint they are the same line but on different axisExtending in the same direction, everywhere equidistant, and not meeting.
No they dont touch.
i dont no dats y i asked
The only requirement for a trapezoid is that one pair of opposite sides be parallel. There could be trapezoids with a pair of perpendicular lines.
dont cross
S k e w
i dont know .l. >.<
So they dont eventually run into each other.
you dont