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i dont know that wgy i am asking u

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Q: List down five others things that can each be measured in liters and milliliters?
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What are liquids measured in liters?

OK, SO OBJECTS that are measured in liters could include: Soda, Bottled Water, Liquid Medicine (In Milliliters), Liquid Nitrogen, Liquid Air (stuff for removing dust from computers) Gasoline, Honey, Milk, and many other things.

How do you convert millimeters into liters?

You can't convert millimeters into liters - the first is a measure of length, and the second is a measure of volume.

What are things that can be measured in liters?

Any liquids, especially petrol (gasoline), milk and fruit juice. Don't forget Vodka Most cans of pop are measured in ml (millilitres). Large bottles of pop are usually sold in 2 or 3 litre bottles. Although all liquids can be measured in litres, it depends on how much of it there is. 1000 litres is a cubic metre (m3 )

What conversion factor would you use to convet between liters and millimeters?

You would use division or multiplication depending on which way you were converting liters and milliliters. To convert liters to milliliters, you would multiply by 1,000; to convert milliliters to liters, you would divide.

How are milliliters different from liters?

A milliliter is 1/1000 of a whole liter. It is a very small unit of volume. Liters are used for measuring things like how much water you drink when you are thirsty. Milliliters are used for measuring small things like how much red dye to put into the cupcake frosting, or how much cough syrup to drink. Milliliters are used in the metric system the way a "teaspoon" was used as a unit of measure in the English system.

How many milliliters are needed to make meter?

You can't convert milliliters to meters. You can convert one unit of volume to another (for example, milliliters to liters, or to cubic meters), one unit of length to another (for example, millimeter to meter), but you can't convert units that measure completely different things.

How do you convert liters to millimiters?

multiply by 1000 example 1L = 1000ml 2L = 2000ml 3.4L = 3400ml

Is 7 milliliters equal to 7000 liters?

None. A milliletre is a measure of length or distance while a litre is a measure of volume. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.

How many milliliters are in 0.4 liters?

Remember K H D | d c m (kilo, hecto, deka, (liter, meter, gram), deci, centi, milli). Milliliters are three places to the right of liters. So you have to move the decimal place three times to the right. You will get .4 L = 400 mL.

Are there 3 things you can measure in liters?

you can mesure a drink, or a regular shallow pool

How many milliliters in 326liters?

There are 326,000 liters in 326 liters. You know if you need help with conversions there are many things you can do. You can get an on line tutor: or you could get a math dictionary, or you could even look it up on google. That's what I did and boom sent me straight to their conversions calculator.

How much is 2.5kg in liters?

There can be no conversion. A centimetre is a measure of length. A litre is a measure of volume. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.