When you bisect something you divide it into two congruent (equal) pieces
The midpoint or bisector divides a segment into two congruent parts.
It simply means 'to divide in to two parts'
Yes, that's what it means.
No. Any three consecutive congruent parts (angle-side-angle or side-angle-side) make any two triangles completely congruent.
I'm assuming you mean "What does dividing into two congruent parts mean?". It means to divide into two identical halves.
it is when you divide a line into two equal parts.
Two equal parts.
It is when you divide an object or number into two equal numbers/segments. For example, cutting a pizza in half will give you two congruent parts. If a human was symmetrical, and you sliced them down the middle you would have two congruent parts.
Bilateral symmetry means you can divide the shape into two halves, and the halves would be congruent. Radial symmetry means all the parts that are connected to a common point are congruent.
it means it is cut into two congruent parts
Yes * * * * * No. A median is a line from a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side. It divides the triangle into congruent parts only if the triangle is equilateral or if the triangle is isosceles and it is the median from the unequal vertex. In all other cases the two parts will not be congruent.
When you bisect something you divide it into two congruent (equal) pieces
Bi- means two. Bisect means divide into two parts.
It means to divide it into two congruent (equal measure) segments, or angles.
A triangle has 6 parts ... 3 sides and 3 angles. It's possible for two triangles to have as many as 3 of their parts congruent, and the triangles still not be congruent.
CPCTC is an acronym for the phrase 'corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent' It means that once we know that two triangles are congruent, we know that all corresponding sides and angles are congruent.