just take a a number like 32 and square it, you have 1024 this is the smallest one. Another is 1681 since this is 41 squared
There are 28706 such combinations. 5456 of these comprise three 2-digit numbers, 19008 comprise two 2-digit numbers and two 1-digit numbers, 4158 comprise one 2-digit number and four 1-digit numbers and 84 comprise six 1-digit numbers.
Add the two greatest possible four digit numbers. 9999 + 9999
The first four PRIME numbers are 2,3,5,7. If you square these you get 4,9,25,49. The first four squared numbers could be 1,4,9,16
It is actually very simple, just take 10 to the square root of four. 10^4
Lowest four-digit number: 1000 Highest four-digit number: 9999
A four digit whole number can be found from 1000 to 9999
7000 - 999 ie 6001 four digit numbers
The number is 9376.
2000.The smallest four-digit number there can be is 1000. So, add 1000 and 1000 to get 2000, then least sum you can get when adding two four-digit numbers.
1600 (square of 40)
900 numbers
There are 12 such numbers.
625 if numbers can have leading 0s, 500 otherwise.