229 feet
7 minutes and 30 seconds
441/7 = 63 mph
33.3333 miles
62.14 mph
About 7 miles.
260 + 90 miles takes 5 + 2 hours ie 330 m in 7 hr, so average speed is 330/7 ie Forty-seven and one-seventh mph
The average gallop of a horse is 45 mph.
Tornadoes travel at speeds ranging from 0 to over 70 mph. The average is 30 mph.
If you average 58 MPH, it would take you approximately 7 hours and 12 minutes.
That depends on your average rate of speed. At 60 mph, you can cover 420 miles in 7 hours. At 30 mph, it will take 14.
If you mean how fast does a tornado travel, the average forwards speed is about 30 mph, but it can range from 0 mph to over 70.
At 1,050 mph it takes 1 minute 7 seconds to travel 19.5 miles.
410.3 feet.
It will be 7 miles.
Depends how fast you drive, how much traffic is on the streets, how you hit the lights, etc. If you average 5 mph . . . 2hours 12minutes If you average 10 mph . . . 1hour 6minutes If you average 15 mph . . . 44 minutes If you average 20 mph . . . 33 minutes If you average 30 mph . . . 22 minutes If you average 60 mph . . . 11 minutes
it can travel at a speed of 25-35 mph