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The length of the other side can be anything between 12 and 68 feet

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Q: One side of triangle is 28 feet the other is 40 feet what is the length of the third?
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If one side of a triangle is 3 feet and the other is 2 feet what is the third side?

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It can have any length in the interval (6ft 4 in, 29 ft 8 in).

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If it is a right angle triangle with sides of 8 feet and 15 feet then by using Pythagoras' theorem its 3rd side or hypotenuse is 17 feet

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Clarify what triangle side length you are looking for.

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Its length is 10 feet.

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6 feet

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The area of triangle is : 60.0

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The length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle that has a base of 3 feet and a height of 12 feet is: 12.37 feet.

If one side of a triangle is 20 feet and the other side is 30 feet what is the length of the third side?

if you're looking for the hypotenus, the answer is 11.4 (rounded to the 100ths place) if you are looking for one of the other sides, the answer is 7.07 (rounded to the 100ths place) hope this is what you were looking for

The length of three sides of the triangle are 4 feet 6 feet and 9 feet Is the triangle a right triangle?

A triangle with sides measuring ; 4 feet , 6 feet and 9 feet is a right triangle. A triangle is a right triangle as long as it has one 90 degree point.