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Q: Pictures that represent things are called what?
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Related questions

What are pictures that represent objects called?

Pictures that represent objects are called icons. Icons are simplified and stylized images that are used to visually communicate concepts or ideas.

What are the small pictures that represent various elements in windows called?

Icons represent various elements in Windows.

In a GUI the pictures that represent a software application or a folder are called?


What are words numbers sounds or pictures that represent facts or ideas?

words, pictures ,or sounds that represents facts are called

What are small pictures on a computer called?

there called Icon's - which represent software programs or hardware you can access on your computer

Pictures of idioms?

Idioms are literary terms and tools. These idioms represent different things to different people and pictures will vary from person to person.

What would you find in a grotto?

things to represent the person who the grotto was made for for example, pictures etc

Pictures symbols used to represent words sounds or concepts are called?


What Egyptians used pictures symbols to represent sounds?

:D They're called Hieroglyphics

What was the Egyptians 27 writing called that used pictures to represent objects?

I think you mean heiroglyphics?

What was the Egyptians' writing called that used pictures to represent objects?

their writing was called hieroglyphics and it was a form of picture writing

What pictures can represent responsibility?

Pictures of -newborn babies- represent parent responsibility. -recycling pictures-represent Common Human Responsibility. -Voting booths- represent Citizen responsibility. -dog walking-pet owner responsibility.