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Q: Polynomials with the same roots always have the same graphs?
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Can polynomials with the same graph have different roots?

False! If the graph is exactly the same, then the x-intercepts will be the same which implies the roots are them same. However, you can have the same roots and different graphs. So while the first statement is true, the converse if not.

Can Polynomials with the same roots can have different graphs.?

If you only look at the value of the roots and not their multiplicity then the answer is yes.The straight line y = x - 1 and the parabola y = (x - 1)^2 have the same root: x = 1. But the graphs are obviously different. All polynomials of the form y = (x - 1)^n will have x = 1 as the only root but they will have different shapes. The reason to this is that in the case of the straight line it is a root of multiplicity 1, in the case of a parabola it is a root of multiplicity 2 and in the case of y = (x - 1)^n it is a root of multiplicity n.

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Other polynomials of the same, or lower, order.

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What are the rules in addition of polynomials?

Add together the coefficients of "like" terms. Like terms are those that have the same powers of the variables in the polynomials.

Can functions be added or subtracted in the same way as polynomials?

Yes, they can.

When adding polynomials what do you do to the exponents?

You keep them the same if they have different bases

How are bar graphs and circle graphs the same?

They both progression up or down

When you multiply polynomials what do you do with the exponents?

Add them up providing that the bases are the same.

Is adding and subtracting polynomials the same?

Addition and subtraction are inverse functions.

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