5 is in the thousands position. the 3 to the left is in hundreds. the 6 is in the tens position. the second 3 is in the units position. the 4 is in the tenths position
45.356 is 50
The decimal form is a way of representing a number in which each place has a value that is ten times greater than the place to its right.
It is 0.79
16,164 ,284
the round off is 3045
A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. So, a decimal number will always round to a decimal number.
For circumference, multiply the diameter by pi and round the product to the second decimal place. For area, multiply the square of the radius by pi and round the product to the second decimal place.
To round a number to a certain place value, you look at the digit immediately to the right of that place value. If it is 5 or greater, you round up; if it is less than 5, you round down. For example, to round 3.785 to the nearest hundredth, you would look at the digit in the thousandths place (8), which is 5 or greater, so you round up to 3.79.
There can only be one digit in each place value - before or after the decimal place.
5 is in the thousands position. the 3 to the left is in hundreds. the 6 is in the tens position. the second 3 is in the units position. the 4 is in the tenths position
The answer depends on the situation. You could round the answer so that it does not have more significant figures than any of the components which went into calculating it.
The correct answer is 1.36
The question is: What is the tenths place for 6.0999? Please remember that each number in front of the decimal and each number behind the decimal holds a place. For example; if I had 1234.5678, each number before and after the decimal holds a place. The 4 would be in the ones place, the 3 in the tens place, the 2 in the hundreds place and the 1 in the thousands place. Those are the numbers and their places before the decimal. Then after the decimal, the the 5 would be in the tenth place, the 6 in the hundredth place, the 7 in the thousandth place and the 8 in the ten thousandth place. Each place after the decimal has the letters th on it, starting with tenth. Therefore, in the number 6.0999, the 0 is in the tenth place.